3) Page comes on the scene
October 22, 2014
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My first dog, Galyn, died on Veteran’s Day, 2003, at age 15 1/2. By the following spring, I realized that I was ready for another dog, and to honor Galyn’s memory, I decided on a rescued dog. I had searched the internet, reading about

2) Galyn, Part Two
October 21, 2014
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Perhaps I’d imagined a dog like a black lab or a Golden Retriever. Galyn (named after Galen Clark, the first guardian of the Yosemite Trust) was part Australian Cattle Dog (red heeler) and part terrier. She was active, intelligent, stand-offish, dedicated, stubborn, vocal, and

1) The Beginning: Galyn
October 21, 2014
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It all started – well, in childhood, really. Isn’t that when it always begins? The idea of Dog, or perhaps the Ideal of Dog. I had guinea pigs, birds, and pet mice, and they were all great and large parts of my childhood, make