Kathy Archive

Sketches of Carter
March 10, 2018
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A quick Intuos sketch of him doing his thing in the back yard –

He’s come a long way: Carter gets his NW1 title
November 19, 2016
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On Saturday, October 29, 2016, Carter received his NW1 (Nosework Level 1) title in competition in Milliken, Colorado. It was his second attempt at an NW1 title and he improved his overall time from almost 11 minutes to under 3 minutes. Although he wasn’t the fastest dog in any element, it took him just 15

In Memoriam: Page, April 15 2002 – July 24 2016
November 19, 2016
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Sadly, Page passed away suddenly in late July. She was in relatively good shape for a 14+-year-old dog and I’d hoped to have her around for another year or so. She was a goofy, funny, friendly little warrior.

Carter’s ORT X 3!
February 20, 2016
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Today Carter passed two more Odor Recognition Tests – Clove and Anise – to complete his ORTs. Now the basics are over – there’s nothing for it but to go for ribbons & titles! He was much faster this time than when he did his birch test. We still won’t win any speed records, but
Page’s New ORT
September 5, 2015
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Page, my 13 1/2-year-old red Australian Cattle Dog, passed her second K9 Nosework odor (clove) at a test in Wheat Ridge, CO. Yay, Page! And Carter – hate to tell you – but that puts Page ahead of you! Better get crackin’ learning those odors (of course, Carter has attended a NW1 trial, and Page
Carter’s First Nosework 1 Trial!
April 26, 2015
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Yesterday, April 25, 2015, Crazy Dog Carter attended his first Nosework 1 (NW1) Trial! If you’d told me a year ago that Carter would actually be able to attend, and participate in, an official trial, in a strange environment, with strange people, vehicles, and dogs all over the place, I probably wouldn’t have believed you.

A new ORT dog
February 21, 2015
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Today, Page passed her first (birch) Odor Recognition Test (ORT) for the National Association of Canine Scentwork (NACSW). She’s now qualified for Nosework 1 trials and elements. She’s nearly 13; who says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks? (Those are Page’s ears sticking out of my lap blanket while she sneakily naps on
Back in the Saddle for 2015
January 11, 2015
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We’ve attended our first Continuing Nosework training at the Canine Learning Center in Fort Collins! Things went well – Carter searched & found his odors despite being in a completely new environment with strange people in the area. Newest experience: a mirror. He had to check it out a bit, but seemed to realize pretty quick